
A Monday List

 * Watching Gilmore Girls again. I am on Season 2. Its my favourite thing to have on in the background as I nurse my baby, clean the kitchen and eat lunch (so basically while I am doing anything and everything.)

* Today I have one sleepy baby! She woke up at 11 : 20 this morning. Played, ate and went back to sleep!

* This morning I stayed in my PJs until 1:00pm. Claire was sleeping in our room, and I didn't dare go in there to wake her up.

* This morning I got to clean the bathroom (lucky me!), did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen, etc. Feels good!

* Turkey yesterday, turkey tomorrow. I shall be in a food coma by Wednesday.

* Speaking of turkeys - tomorrow I am cooking my very first turkey! I am nervous and excited. I am trying out Martha Stewart's Lemon Rosemary recipe. I hope it is yummy and moist.

* I really, really don't want to reach my hand inside the turkey's body.

* Egg Nogg is out! It's official - Christmas is RIGHT around the corner. You can run but you can't hide. I love it in my coffee.

* Thursday I am canning with Michelle! On the list is salsa and tomatoes. Maybe some spaghetti sauce if there are any tomatoes left over.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the bullet point:

    -I have the cutest baby ever


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