
Family Dinners

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”
C.S. Lewis

With the exception of this quarter and last
my family would get together one night a week
with the Cervo's and the Anderson's. 
The Cervo's have one daughter, 
and the Anderson's have two daughter's
for a total of four girls under three. 

6 adults and 4 girls gathering for a meal
each week is so many things:
loud, chaotic, messy, giggly,
lots of smiles, hectic, and so so fun.

Its often a bit like a tornado.
In and our within an hour and a bit
in order for all the girls to be home, bathed and to bed before meltdowns.
We often leave out of breath,
doors slamming behind us,
perhaps one shoe on and chasing a toddler to the car.

I can't give you a complete visual,
 but it was the highlight of my week typically,
and always that day.

Last week we did what will sadly probably be our last family dinner.
Since the guys' schedules stopped coordinating it became difficult to find a night
 that worked well for everyone.
But we managed to squeeze in one last dinner
(I am really hoping there will be ONE more, we'll see.)

I am going to miss this incredibly unique community of friends.
Wives who can't work so they make babies instead,
husbands who don't work but go to school full time instead.
A mix of having no money yet finding the fun in the cheap, inexpensive and free.
A community where you just have to lean into one another for every kind of support.
Its so amazing.

Greater Love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

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