
Me Too

Once again,
Joanna Goddard of A Cup of Jo came through for me.
She is doing this brilliant idea
with a love themed post each day.

I am borrowing this idea.
Because gosh dang,
I love Valentine's Day.
So if you hate it,
don't come back here for 12 days.
This is not an "un-invite"
simply a warning.

So here goes it -

Today's love post is shamelessly 
about Precious Baby Smid.
I promised myself not to
be on of those people
whose every blog post,
Tweet and status update is about
baby and pregnancy.
But due to the appointment
I just returned from...
(and that I am the mother)
I am doing it.
Don't hold me back!

so we haven't gotten an ultrasound 
picture the last couple visits
so I can't show you a photo of 
our baby.
Instead I took this photo
off of a website that I read sometimes.
So this is typically what a baby looks like
at 14 weeks gestation.

Look at those little fingers and eyes...
and ears! 

Okay, that is enough about some
random persons baby.
Today we heard Little One's heartbeat for the first time.
It sounded like "woosh woosh"
and the Dr. said it was about 150 beats per minute.
Strong and healthy sounding.
I was surprised to hear how active Little is! 
Moving around like crazy.

So with 12 days to go until the
Day of Love,
that was my tidbit of love today.

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