
The Week(End)

So we're home now
Against our own will
We stayed until the last possible moment.
Then we slowly dragged our butts out the door and to the car

Such a relaxing weekend.
I arrived Thursday night with Travis (my chauffer)
and the three of us hung out with Ty
What an adventure it was
It was really good to hang out with the guys and
"let my hair down"
Hardy Har Har Har
It was good quality time with each of them
Trav, would you ever drive 4 hours with just me again?!

Friday Spencer arrived with the goods
The goods being Jessi and Michelle!
Angela drive up later that night
Friday was spent lounging
Learning to dirt bike
More lounging
Spaghetti dinner and the Big Lebowski
(Which is a hilariously odd movie)


Saturday was a day of lounging
I realized how WHITE my legs are
Attempted to have a Henna tattoo
(which has now faded)
and kayaking at McGilvry Lake


Spencer and I were in the kayaks
And Tyler was in the canoe with the girls
They could paddle WAY faster then us
So they took off to the far island
Spencer and I met in the middle of the lake
We floated and talked

It is SO quiet there. I leaned back in my kayak and closed my eyes
Just taking in my surroundings
Oh my goodness, it is a beautiful piece of God's world
It overwhelmed me to think He made this of US
In the distance I could hear Tyler's laugh and the girls giggling and screaming
He was probably rocking the boat
We could hear different birds calling
A loon somewhere on the lake
And crackeling in the woods
Maybe a deer?
Or a bear?

It was so peaceful.
I really needed that.


The rest of the weekend consisted of lying on the deck, roasting
Visits to the "locals" beach
Watching the hangover
Painting nails
Walks and dirt bike rides

It was the perfect weekend
I am SO not ready to be back at work
I could have easily stayed for the rest of the week


More pictures to come later

Our collection of insects at Heffley Lake

1 comment:

  1. So I had a dream about your hair being let down hardy har har
    Glad you had such a good weekend


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