
Sunday, I Miss You

Sunday, I miss you.

Yesterday I accomplished something
I rode my bike and talked on the phone
It is a mad skill that I have not perfected but did pretty well at
(Plus, its "green" and not-illegal!)


I felt really cool yesterday
I rode my bike home from the shops
So what, right?
Well I had a cute little bouquet of flowers
poking out from my wicker basket
I felt like belonged in France riding the cobblestone streets through old town Paris
Even my next door neighbour commented
on the cute factor of the flowers,basket, bike combo


Saturday we helped D&W unpack their boxes and put away the contents in all the wrong places

We also helped M&L with wedding music yesterday
(5 days! Ah!)

We went and saw INCEPTION with D&W
Great movie, great acting.
Oh, and we watched it with Joe Sakic

Okay, so we didn't go with him
We didn't even really watch it with him
And there is the possibility he wasn't even watching Inception
(Although, I'd like to think he was, since most people at the theatre were there to see it)
We walked out of the movie and into the lobby and he was there with his family
and some other people as well.
Dave and Spencer were so excited
and debating whether or not its cool to get a photo


Today is Monday
What is it about Mondays?
I feel sorry for Mondays
... kind of...
The still stink
Reek like Monday
FEEL like Monday
It's not Mondays fault it follows Sunday
Follows a glorious weekend
of bike riding, Joe Sakic-seeing,
hanging out, free as a bird feeling.
Nonetheless, it IS Monday.
That automatically makes me think
"Ugh, Monday. I can't wait for Friday."


I am saying "I can't wait for Wednesday"
Why you ask?
Because Wednesday is my Friday!
An already decent day (Hump Day)
but now its even better because I have Thursday and Friday off
to help out for Matt and Lauren's wedding!


Happy Monday

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