Many of you have heard about the Earthquake and Aftershock Quake in Haiti.
Some of you may of heard how Haiti has weighed heavy on my heart for quite sometime.
How does one know when God lays something on their heart?
Is it when you think about it from time to time?
Or weekly? Daily? How about several times a day?
Haiti is a hurting country, Haiti has always been a country in deep need. Through the disaster that has struck, I pray that it will shed light to the country.
I hope that others will see a light in such a dark country where there roots are rich in Vaudau (Haitian Voodoo) practices. I pray that the existing Christians there can be a light to their nation. I pray that the response of the world to their crisis will show that God is amongst all of this. That He is right there suffering along with them, holding them and loving them.
Although the past week I have been searching for God in this wreckage. I do believe that through all of this He will be glorified, many will turn to Him in their deep sorrow, reaching out for Truth, Peace and Salvation. Of course, that is in Jesus Christ.
My heart is heavy and my stomach aches when I think of what has happened there. The thousands more children who are now orphaned. The mothers who have lost their babies, husbands who have lost their wives, friends and family seperated by piles of rubbish.
Although there are many stories of disaster, heartache and death, I encourage you to seek God in this, search for the stories of salvation, the uncle who found his niece, and friends finding each other. People who leave their own families to bring food, clean water and lollipops. Doctors who perform surgeries in less then ideal conditions and mothers who take care of another woman's baby.
Read some here and here
Praise the Lord that Canada has approved to fast track adoptions to bring Haitian babies to family they have already been matched with. This will not only make many families complete and happy, it creates room for other babies and children to come into those places in the orphanages.
