1. peanut butter and chocolate
2. colours, stripes and all things carnival. cotton candy, buttered popcorn, roller coasters and circuses.
3. massages
4. the pinkest pink cherry blossoms
5. the smell of fresh cut grass
6. afternoon naps
7. a good cup of coffee
8. playing games
9. watching movies - at home or in the theatre
10. fairytales, fables and folklore
11. Hanson
12. dancing
13. laughing
14. cuddling
15. holding babies
16. Disneyland
17. pina coladas
18. the warmth of the sun
19. shopping
20. Vancouver
21. reading
22. creme brulee
23. the sound of laughter from a child
24. the smell of a new born
25. kittens and puppies (who doesn't?)
26. Corn Pops
27. cowboys
28. the JRFM sign in Aggsiz that says "We Missed You"
29. family gatherings
30. shopping
31. watching Spencer play football
32. when my brother makes me laugh
33. weddings
34. flowers
35. Valentine's Day
36. vegetable gardens
37. travelling
38. sleeping in on a Saturday morning
39. country music
40. Fern Gully
41. the Roaring 20's
42. photo booths
43. beer breath
44. really wrinkely faces
45. Indian food
46. the sound of the spanish language
47. pearls, red, lipstick, t-strap heels, polka dots, nail polish and crooners
48. Audrey Hepburn
49. writing
50. the first buds of spring
51. Christmas
52. vintage anything
53. Sophie Kinsella books
54. learning about God
55. fresh rasberries
56. willow trees
57. horses
58. taking a bath
59. fires in the fireplace
60. camping
61. taking pictures
62. painting
63. horseback riding
64. rodeos
65. buying cards (I could spend hours in Hallmark)
66. listening to acoustic music
67. iTunes
68. girlfriends who stick together
69. cooking
70. friends around the dinner table eatting good food
71. clean sheets
72. barefeet and flip flops
73. air drying after a shower, a bath or a swim in the lake
74. time
75. nutmeg and cinnamon
76. salt and vinegar chips
77. Caldrea and Barefoot Venus products
78. mint
79. Little Women
80. watching a movie on a rainy Saturday morning
81. reading blogs
82. looking at pictures
83. familiar scents
84. Haiti
85. green glass
86. trying out new restaraunts
87. British accents
88. Gilmore Girls
89. climbing trees
90. New York
91. musicals
92. cheesy romance
93. ice cream
94. gift shops
95. Sun Peaks
96. road trips
97. home decor magazines
98. scrapbooking
99. sleep overs
100. being married
I think that you and I are one in the same!