
The Weekend

I hope you all had a very happy weekend!
This weekend is the last in a long time that we had nothing going on,
except play off football of course.

While the hubs was watching football
and the babe was napping, I took an opportunity (don't have to show it to me twice!)
and started a new book in the tub.

Spencer and I have been playing crib and drinking tea/coffee.
This was a particularly close game! I won't say who is which colour...

Claire and I reading our books together. I love how independent she is,
not always needing to be entertained. 

Before church Sunday morning while Mr. J's mommy and Spencer were
in worship rehearsal C and I got to hang out with him.
Can you tell how much fun we had? I think he liked the Bumbo.

This past Sunday was also our brother Tyler's 27th birthday.
The Broncos even won for him.
We Skyped and sang Happy Birthday.

Weekends are precious at our house.
The weeks can get so busy with work,
playdates and obligations.
But the weekend is a chance to unwind,
reconnect, gather to worship and have some fun.

What did your weekend look like?
Do you have a routine?
Fly by the seat of your pants?
Or normally packed full of fun events? 

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