
You Can't Deny It Any Longer

I've been launched.

Into what?

Full-fledge into the Christmas season.

Oh, I can already here what you are saying:

"Ugh, Michelle, it's not here yet!"

Oh yeah? Well, I will have you know that is SO NOT TRUE. Here is my evidence that the Christmas season has arrived:

1) Eggnogg has been on sale in grocery stores for a while now

2) More then a few of my friends have mentioned "Christmas" in their Facebook status

3) commercials on TV feature snow, a jingle tune that sounds an awful lot like merry carols, presents, and a tree with little white lights

4) one word : Starbucks

5) okay, maybe more then one word: red cups

6) Safeway has turned into a Christmas store in the last two weeks featuring flavoured coffees, specialty Christmas creamers and hot drink mixes, fruit cakes stocked on shelves and other types of Christmas baking in special Christmas packaging, and not to mention the whole centre aisle that has various forms of Christmas decor - including pre-stuffed stockings for your dog or cat.

7) Tell me you haven't started to think about the gifts you will be buying for Christmas, what Santa will be stuffing into your stocking (praying its not a lump of coal) - if you haven't already purchased one or two presents?

8) the Christmas store is open in Delta (a branch of the thrift store that features anything Christmas)

9) Operation Christmas Child has collected their shoe boxes and they are being ready to get shipped out.

10) This was all I needed to fully push me over the Christmas cliff -
my partner in crime has begun to put up a few of her own Christmas decorations before she comes to visit this week and help me set up mine! Not only that, but she has completely revamped her own blog to a very merry winter wonderland.

Thanks Whitt. 

(might I add an eleventh reason? - the other day at the Starbucks drive through my dear friend wished the barista a "Merry Christmas" as he handed me a Gingerbread Latte.)

Merry Christmas to you!

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