
Happy Birthday

Raymond Matthew Heinemann
Born July 6, 1988
Turning 23 today.
Which is a WEDNESDAY.
Wanna know something cool Matt?
The day you were born was also a Wednesday.

The last 23 years you have
annoyed the heck out of me,
had sleepovers on the trampoline with me,
went to camp with me,
trusted me by riding in the car with me the day I got my N.
You are Uncle Matt to three nieces,
and will be Uncle Matt to a fourth niece soon.
You are kind,
you are funny,
you aren't afraid to dress up and goof around.

Did you know you share your special day with 50 cent (turning 36),
Sylvester Stallone (turning 65)
and George W. Bush (also 65)?

The year you were born was a leap year.
The number 1 song on the charts was "Dirty Diana" by Michael Jackson
Some other famous "July 6th" dates in history -
1942 - the day Anne Frank and her family took refuge in the attic
2008 -Armchair Balloon Flight from Oregon to Idaho

Happy Birthday Matt.
You are so loved.

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