
Wrapping My Mind Around It

Last night was our first pre-natal class.
To be honest,
Spencer and I went in their
with low expectations.
I am happy to say we left feeling
the opposite.
The teacher was amazing.
She is an RN and a doula
and has 34 years of baby catching 
under her belt.

She knew so much about 
the whole process
and was just so sweet.
Really, we just left with our minds at ease.
She dispelled many of our fears 
(for the husbands and the wives)
and encouraged us.
She was honest
(which I always appreciate)
about the pain
and the hardships of bringing baby home.

Not only did she encourage the women
that this will be the most empowering experience
of our lives,
but equally encouraged our men
in the importance of their job as well.
For the first time since I saw those two pink lines,
I left their feeling excited for the whole labor process to begin.

Spencer and I are in awe
at how little time we have left 
as our family of two.
Soon our lives will change dramatically,
very soon!
In just 9 weeks and counting down
our due date is approaching.
We are so excited to meet our little girl
who has us wrapped around her tiny finger already.

My mind has been working overtime,
and I have been trying to keep 
all my thoughts positive.
Sometimes the "what-ifs"
get away on me and send me into a frenzy.
But I also know this is only
the beginning of wondering "what-if" 
in her life.
I have been making list after list
of the things we still need,
things to prepare,
and what I want to clean before I can't reach it anymore
(that day is drawing VERY near!)

I am so, so thankful
for my mom who is planning 
to come down and help us
for a while.
And I am so thankful
for the ladies at my MOPS group
who are going to prepare meals 
for our first week or two at home!
Can I bribe anyone to come and
clean bathrooms and do laundry?

What are some ways you nested and prepared for your baby?
What are some things you were able to do ahead of time?
Did you bake, cook and freeze?
Clean every nook and cranny?
I'd love to hear!

{ 31 weeks }

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Michelle! I'm so, SO excited for you! I would LOVE to come & clean bathrooms & fold laundry and will accept payment in baby snuggles!

    You are in for such a treat. After two babies, I can honestly say, the labour is hard, but look at the big picture and it's easy to remember, it's just one day. You forget it SO quickly once that baby's in your arms, with her head tucked so perfectly under your chin!

    I can't wait to meet her, one day! I miss you! I'm ready for another 4 hour coffee date whenever you are! XO


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