Do you ever hear a song
that just resonates with you?
Something about it-
the sound, the lyrics-
strikes a chord in your soul.
It triggers a memory,
is an anthem for your belief...
whatever it is,
you just need to hear it again and again.
Music is powerful.
It is healing,
pumps us up
or it can even bring us down.
I have a playlist
on my iPod and it is called
'This Is What My Soul Sounds Like'.
It carries a variety of artists and genres,
but for the most part I would
say it has quite a bit of
'folky' sounding music.
There is something about
banjos, harmonicas and the acoustics
that just make me want to
lie in a grassy field with a crown of dandelions.
This is another one of those songs.
I just have to crank whenever I hear it.
Turn off whatever you are listening to now
and press play.
You don't have to sit
and watch the video
if you don't want to.
But just listen to it.
Thanks to Darcy for always making us such
awesome mix CDs for our drives home.
And for re-introducing me to this song.
I always have so much fun making them for you;)